Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nothing Like A Puffin by Sue Soltis

UNIQUE! That is in a nutshell a perfect definition for this book! It is one of a kind that I fear may not make much sense as I try to explain it, you have to read it to truly "get it"!.....but here goes...
"Look, a puffin! What a marvelous creature, one of a kind and amazing. Indeed, there is nothing like a puffin."
A puffin is one-of-a-kind. Take a ladder. A ladder is nothing like a puffin. Not even close! What about a house? Is a house like a puffin? No way! And of course a newspaper is not like a puffin. That is just silly.....or is it? What does a puffin and newspaper have in common? What about a puffin and jeans? A puffin and a goldfish? A great compare/contrast activity which pushes students/kids to look at things differently. I read this book with 2nd graders today and they really enjoyed it. However for kids in central Ohio, more background knowledge about puffins is needed to full understand the text and the Students still really enjoyed the book and caught on quickly. Great book with UNIQUE concept!

Text: 5 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations: 5 Buckeye leaves
Endpages: 5 Buckeye leaves

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