Sunday, October 23, 2011

Too Many Dinosaurs by Mercer Mayer

"This all started when I asked me mom if I could have a puppy."
When a boy asks his mom for a puppy, and she says no, a chain of events is set in motion that ends with "too many dinosaurs"! The boy gets a dinosaur egg from Mr. Jerry's tag sale and later that night he has a baby triceratops in his room. The next morning the dino is in motion and taking off through the neighborhood. The boy returns to Mr. Jerry's tag sale and is sold a dinosaur horn. The boy blows the horn and he is soon surrounded by dinosaurs, too many dinosaurs. Dinosaur lovers will enjoy this latest dinosaur book from the creator of Little Critters. The story and illustrations will have kids of all ages laughing from the beginning until the surprise ending.

Text: 4 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations: 4 Buckeye leaves

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